Fundraising in the electronic world

June 2015 – Raising money Online

No matter your political stance, its undeniable President Obama did something in his 2008 campaign that has yet to be matched… he engaged social media tools, technologies, and a new model for campaign communications that has revolutionized the concepts of tech/communications operations in campaign management. Check out the multi-part series below to learn just how the Obama machine made it happen.

Learning from Obama’s Financial Steamroller: How to Raise Money Online
MAY 15, 2009
Colin Delany

Obama’s platform may have envisioned a grand reform of the political system, but the primary change he brought to political fundraising was to do more of it than anyone in history: …”Obama Raised Half a Billion Online,” Jose Antonio Vargas, Washington Post, 11/20/2008″

…the bulk of the cash he raised in the end — some 75% — came from people who gave $200 or more over the course of the campaign.

Read the complete article here…